I've been thinking. What else is new?
But I've been thinking about dreams. I read Jenna's blog today and that's what got me started. But my mind went in a different direction. I wondered...what makes my dreams different from anyone else's?
I guess that's not the best way to phrase that...bear with me while I work through this! But see, I was thinking about the girls in Cambodia, the people in Cambodia actually, and that got me thinking about the people everywhere in the world. Namely the impoverished, exploited, orphaned, etc. What kinds of dreams do they have? What kinds of dreams do I have? What kinds of dreams might they have had if they didn't have that life? What kinds of dreams might they have had before they had this life if they weren't born into it?
Do they want to be doctors? Lawyers? Pastors? Singers? Actors? Teachers?
Or do they just have dreams of having enough food to survive the week?
Do they have dreams of getting out of this life they so unfortunately got placed in?
And all this talk about life...it makes me think of how much emphasis we put on the temporary part of our lives and not on the eternal. But that's a whole new post there!
I guess what I really wonder is why am I fortunate enough to even consider having big dreams? I have dreams of changing the world. Maybe not the whole world, but at least getting something started that would change the world eventually. One life at a time...that's my goal.
But why can I dream of changing the world when these amazing people with amazing hearts can't think past today.
Because if he doesn't bring home enough money for dinner, he'll be beaten unconscious.
Because if she doesn't perform enough tricks on enough men, she has no hope of paying off her debt.
Because if no one picks him to adopt he'll be left in this cold, overcrowded orphanage.
Because if she doesn't sell enough at the market, her baby brother might starve.
So why is that what they have to think about, dream about, while I have enough money to last me a while and I'm safe in my warm bed, my biggest worry being getting my homework done in time for class on Monday. I didn't do anything to deserve to dream. Somehow I ended up here though...
That's something to ponder for a while...
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