Monday, February 23, 2009

I've been thinking about all the people in my life. There's so many of them...people who have changed me and helped me to grow and encouraged me. People I can laugh with and cry to. Some of them I don't see anymore. Some I don't talk to nearly as much as I'd like. Some are in my life on a daily basis. But all of them have such a special place in my heart.

Wendy and Sarah had a huge role in helping me grow last year. I needed someone to pour into me and they took that job and did it perfectly. You girls may not realize what an impact you had on me in our short time of Life group but you taught me invaluable lessons and set such great examples and I'm so thankful for that.

And of course our precious Cambodia team had such an amazing impact on my life. Yes, the trip changed me, but girls don't think for one second you didn't make a difference in our team. If nothing else (although there was a lot else) you made a difference in me. You each played a part in helping me discover who I am and what my dreams and passions are. I love you girls.

Lauren, of course, you are amazing :) You've always been there for me when I need to complain or when I have a funny story to share. I don't know how you put up with me half the time but I sure am glad you do! You're one of the few people I know I can be absolutely completely real with and you won't judge. You always encourage me to go after my dreams even when they're completely ridiculous. I don't know what I'd do without you :)

Libbie, I know I mentioned our team already but you know that you've become an amazing friend. I wouldn't be the same without you, Lib. You've not only encouraged me to dream, but you've taught me how to dream. You showed me that truly nothing is impossible if God is involved. I'm so proud of you and everything you've done for yourself, for others, and for God's kingdom. Thank you for never giving up on me.

And Catie, don't worry I haven't forgotten about you!! Gosh, we've been through so much together. You know things about me that could really come back to haunt me if you ever hated me haha. But you're such a great friend. Always there when I need someone to cry to or just talk to...and of course always great for a laugh. I miss you!

Chelsea...ohh Chelsea. I miss you so much, girl. You've been there for me literally through everything. I don't know what I would have done without you all these years! You've been such an incredible friend to me. It's strange to think how different I'd be if I hadn't known you...probably a whole lot quieter!

Kristy, thank you. You took the time to pour into me even though you'd already left to go overseas. I feel so blessed because of that. You've taught me so much about how to rely on God and how to live my life for Him, simply by your example. You taught me that God can do amazing and awesome things through us if we just trust Him. That's a lesson that I really needed to learn.

And, of course, Matt (you didn't think I'd leave you out did you?). You've had such an impact on my life. You've watched me change over the past 2 and 3/4 or whatever it is years and somehow still love me :) You've taught me so to be confident in myself, especially. While you drive me crazy so much of the time, I really am so thrilled that you're such a huge part of my life. If nothing else, I've learned that being me should be enough, and without you I might still be figuring that out.

There are so many other people who have touched my life, but I don't have time to go through them all. I love every single one of them dearly and would not be the same without them. Thank you for being someone I can count on. Know that you're all appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have words for how much this touched me. Thank you, Katie...for writing this, for being a part of a season of my life, for continuing to seek more of the Lord in your life to come...I know we have limited interaction now, but I often hear from Libbie about all of the wonderful and exciting things the Lord is doing in you and through you and around you and it's such a blessing to me to know you are right where the Lord wants you. As much as I would love for you to still be here, you need to be there. You have such an exciting life ahead of you...a life filled with uncertainty and prayers for the impossible...but a life also filled with the certainty of God and who He says He is and one thing He says about Himself is that with Him all things are possible. Be blessed in knowing the Lord is so proud of the woman you are becoming...and the woman you already are...and there will not be a single step that you take without Him being right by your side. Love you, Katie. Thanks for blessing me tonight :)