Monday, September 14, 2009


Ok so for those of you who actually read my blog and I haven't told, here it is:

There's like a 95% chance I'm going to Cambodia for the summer!!!!

I don't wanna say 100% yet because there's still some details to work out and a lot of money to get, but it's been approved and all that good stuff :) But basically, I'm planning on doing my internship for psych in Cambodia at the same place I worked 2 summers ago.

I can't believe it's been that long since I've been there. It feels like I just got back a couple weeks ago. I can still see the girls faces, hear their voices, smell the dirty air (believe it or not I kinda miss the that weird?). I just want to be there so badly right now. My prayer is that God will keep this door open for me and use me in Cambodia in ways that I can't even imagine. I have faith and I'm determined not to let it die or fade. Because I've seen that big faith brings about big change and that's what I desire to see in the city of Phnom Penh. Huge change and a huge shift towards God.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Sometimes I write and I feel a tad insane, thinking my thoughts seem irrational and def not the thoughts of the mature christian woman so many mistaken me to be... From time to time I check out other blogs which only confirm the fact that not many people share my same passions... until I came across yours. I can't tell you how many of your posts sound like my own or reflect my own heart esp this one. This time two years ago (and yeah, I totally just got one of those "wow, I can't believe it's been that long" kinda feelings) I was packing the last of my things and catching a flight to Cambodia-same area you have been to. I got so excited because I know the exact smell you're talking about! I don't want to ramble on but I did just want you to know that I am praying for you and I am excited for you! I will be praying that all things work out according to God's plan. I know we have never met but I am so so thankful for sisters in Christ that share the same passions and have a heart to follow Christ no matter where He leads...You are a rarity and a blessing! Stay focused and don't lose sight of the goal.