Life can get discouraging sometimes can't it? Maybe not necessarily our own lives but other's lives. I guess just the world in general. I came across a video from a news channel (I forget which one...maybe CNN?) about a sex trafficking business that was recently busted in Houston. This sparked my interest (obviously, since my passion is for victims of this crime) and I began searching for more information about sex trafficking in the US. Let's just say I was deeply discouraged.
New Jersey, my own state, has the highest number of strip clubs in the US. It has about 600 known sex establishments. And it's such a small state! But as I was reading this I was listening to my music and I heard the words "I will not forget that nothing is impossible." What great timing! Just when I was getting so discouraged and feeling as though this disgusting cycle and black hole of human trafficking could never be put to a stop I hear the words "nothing is impossible" and I realize my little faith.
But as much as I wish I had big faith, I guess little is okay for now right? After all, Jesus did say that faith like a mustard seed will move mountains. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It's tiny! So I guess faith a little bigger than that can get rid of human trafficking right?
I think it's about our hearts. Do our hearts really long for these people to be free? Do they really have the faith that it can happen? And as I was thinking this, lo and behold the next song I hear says "give me a heart after your own heart." Weird. God was really working through my music tonight! But I thought, yes that's what I want. A heart after God's heart. A heart that reflects His heart that desires freedom and justice.
I need to remember that God is good. (Coincidentally, the next song said "you are good and your love endures). God did not desire for these people to be slaves. He wants them to be free. He wants them to experience the love he has for them. It's terrible what these people experience...I can't even imagine. But the fact that people are sinful and not good, doesn't mean that God's not good. I can't give up on him. He is good and there's nothing else to it. I need to trust him that he knows what he's doing.
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